5 Things You Can Do Right Now For The Extra Boost Of Energy

Dajan Suyal
5 min readOct 1, 2020

These 5 things will help you transform from drowsy to a more energetic person.

You don’t have the energy to do the things you want to do. You know you need to finish the assignment before the deadline but you are feeling sluggish and drowsy. This is decreasing your efficiency. And it is not the first time you are experiencing something like this. Your mind is telling you that you need to do the work but your body disagrees and doesn’t want to move.

If this sounds familiar to you and you want to do something about it, I think I can help.

But before I say anything else, let me be clear: I am not talking about amnesia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or SEID or any other diseases with similar symptoms. I am only talking about the general feeling of tiredness that most of us are familiar with. The same feeling of tiredness that binds you like a magic spell and decreases your productivity as well as efficiency. You know you need to finish the project but you don’t want to pick up a pen.

To the majority of the people who are in need of the extra boost of energy, I have prepared a list of 5 things you can do right now.

Power Naps: Take a lot of information at a time is difficult for your brain and that can easily make you tired. Whether it is the night before a big exam or presentation in front of your bosses, this is stressful and it will definitely make you google how to have more energy. This article is written for this kind of scenario because we can’t just give up and stop studying nor can we go on because of the lack of energy. The best way to deal with this situation is to take a power nap. This study found that a ‘60-minutes power nap’ will help you deal with the mind-numbing effects of information overload. It will help you release those stress hormones and may also help you better retain the information.

2. Sunlight: Sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D but we all know that. What you may not know is sunlight can actually light up your mood, boost your energy, and increase your efficiency. The science is simple really. Sunlight promotes the production of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin boosts mood and it helps a person feel calm and focused. This is how sunlight can help you boost your energy. Sunlight can literally brighten your day inside out.

3. Exercise: I know this sounds like another cliché but hear me out. The reason you don’t feel energetic, you are yawning very frequently, you are bored, and so on can be explained by one simple scientific theory: your brain is not getting enough oxygen. I will not bore you with all the details but listen to this. We used to live by hunting and farming. All these works require a lot of exercises so our body is adapted to that, not to sitting on a chair all day long. That is why you will get a boost of energy when you do some workout. Just by doing 5 squats or 5 push-ups or jumping jack for 30 seconds, your heart will start pumping blood and you will feel great immediately. If you don’t believe me, try it. Just stand up and do jumping jack for 30 seconds.

4. Cold Water: I will be honest with you, I don’t know how this one works but I know it does. I am not going to be the know-it-all and give you some weird scientific explanation. All I know is it has been working for me for a long time and it is the easiest way of all of them. Whenever I feel drowsy, I drink a glass of cold water, close my eyes for a few seconds, and start working again. Maybe it works only on me; maybe there is a weird scientific explanation on how this works. I don’t know about that. It has been working for me so there is a good chance it will work for you as well. And there is only one way to find out. Try it for yourself. Pour a glass of cold water and drink it. Give it a few seconds and voila. Feel the difference.


5. Caffeine: Caffeine is a bit controversial and I will explain that in my next article “10 ways you can have more energy in your life”. But for now, let me tell you how caffeine helps you. We all have used the coffee for the boost of energy when our eyelids are begging to shut down, haven’t we? When you are feeling dizzy or don’t have any energy to do the work, the small boost of caffeine will be very useful. There is a compound called adenosine which suppresses the nerve cell activity in turn causing the feeling of drowsiness. Caffeine works in such a way that it stops the suppression of nerve cells and makes them active giving us a sudden boost of energy.

Key Takeaways

a. Sleep enough hours and respect your sleep cycle.
b. Go out for a while, even if it is for 5 minutes.
c. Do any exercise so that your blood starts pumping
d. Drink a glass of cold water
e. Use caffeine to your advantage

So, are you ready to have more energy in your life?

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Dajan Suyal

Fitness Enthusiast and Copywriter